20 | What’s Wrong With eCommerce: Season 1 Recap with David Mannheim

It’s the end of Season 1 already?! Well, if you happened to miss any episodes, or just didn’t have the time to watch them all, you’re in luck.
In this episode, host David Mannheim reflects on the key lessons and insights gained from the first season of the Statements of Intent podcast. He discusses the common themes that emerged across his conversations with eCommerce leaders, highlighting their shared desire to challenge the status quo and create more human-centric online experiences.

Topics Covered:
  • What’s wrong with conversion rate
  • The need for personalisation and genuine human connection in eCommerce
  • Moving away from short-term metrics like conversion rate toward long-term customer relationships
  • Practical tips for fostering customer intimacy at scale
Key Quotes:
  • "We crave some kind of intimacy, we need that within our lives. A website, an online experience, feels the antithesis of that feeling."
  • "No one metric can capture the health of consumer and customer relationships.”
  • “You don't need to attribute everything.”
  • "Conversion rate is a lagging metric. And actually, it's the worst kind of metric because customers could fight tooth and nail and still convert if they are a fan.”
Episode Chapters
00:00 Introduction
01:38 What David Has Learned From This Podcast
05:21 The Journey Towards Customer Centricity
10:20 Redefining Success Metrics in eCommerce
23:09 Final Thoughts
23:57 Outro

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Creators and Guests

David Mannheim
David Mannheim
David is a big kid, a big Disney fan and a big geek. He founded User Conversion which was acquired by Brainlabs, is the author of The Person in Personalisation, and now the host of Statements of Intent. His mission is to help retailers care more for their customers by listening, being appropriate, being familiar and creating a relationship. He is doing that through his new start up, Made With Intent, a platform that helps retailers do just this by diligently understanding customer intent.
20 | What’s Wrong With eCommerce: Season 1 Recap with David Mannheim
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